It was a small College, very small, somewhere between a Junior College and a University. It was only 3 years and mostly field experience at that. The students were hand picked by the teacher. He kept the enrollment down on purpose. The students he chose, although common folk with unremarkable professions, were intelligent and able to grasp concepts beyond the awareness of most. He was counting on that as he expected them to transmit all that he taught to the World, so it came as no surprise to the Great Master when they asked him, ""Master, who did sin, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"
Jesus had to smile at this loaded question. It showed the several years he had spent with them had left an indelible mark. They wanted to know the underpinnings of the Great Law that bound people to each other and their own destiny. It was an intuitive question of karma and reincarnation. He did not upbraid them for such a foolish query. No, he acknowledged their perceptiveness by saying, "Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him..."
There are two things remarkable about these quotes. One, that they managed to slip by the censors for two thousand years and two, that so-called Christians suddenly become "blind," when reading this. Not only that, the purveyors of doctrine now have become "the blind leading the blind," to borrow from another Bible quote. Here is another question for the Great Master, "Is it better to be physically blind or blind to the great Spiritual Truths." I don't know the answer to that one. These blind interpreters always focus on the answer (which also supports the question) never the question. There are many good books on this subject. Let me recommend three: Looking for Caroll Beckwith (might be the best proof of reincarnation: a skeptical Indianapolis Police Captain sets out to disproove it by investigating an embodiment that is the perfect mix of an obscure incarnation but one that left a trace.) ; Reincarnation, The Phoenix Fire Mystery (The classic on the subject, includes all religions and a compendium of famous people in history who believed); and Reincarnation The Missing Link in Christianity (a well documented work on Christianity's links and forgotten texts and teachings).
If as they say in the East, 'there is no death,' then what about the souls wasting away on death row. Would it not be more merciful and compassionate to let them move on. Just a cursory reading of the numerous Near Death Experience books ought to show one that the transition to the other world is seamless. In fact, most people would rather stay there and not even come back, so joyous and pleasurable is the experience. Many of them have to come back because they have lessons to learn, karma to balance and a mission to fulfill. Are any of those on death row able to accomplish any of these? Are they learning anything that will help them in future lives? I think not, maybe a very few exceptional inmates with the drive to learn; but for the most part the climate is so oppressive and depressing that few take advantage of the libraries or other ways to advance the soul. Are they balancing karma? The only karma they're probably balancing is the act for which they are there. The problem is that it will take 20 to 50 years. They will build up such a momentum of depression, resentment and habits of inactivity that it could take lifetimes to overcome. It could very well set the path of their future lives from which they will never recover. Their execution allows for the balancing of some of that karma much quicker while affording them the opportunity to move on to higher planes where they will be able to see their mistakes and hopefully correct them in the near future. In that next life they will be able to focus on their own unique mission, something they will not be able to do in prison.
William House
Editor, Reverse Spins