El Morya
Nicholas Roerich
El Morya on Solar Flares, Sunspots and Comets
1. Edgar Cayce's beliefs regarding Sunspots
2. The Impact of Comets by Elizabeth C. Prophet
Editor, Reverse Spins: These quotes were given to Nicholas Roerich and Helena Roerich by El Morya in the 20's and early 30's. El Morya who ascended in the late 1800's, is one of the founders of Theosophy as well as Agni Yoga. He then went on to co-found The Bridge to Freedom and then the Summit Lighthouse with Saint Germain. Nicholas Roerich, a Russian, spent many years in Tibet. He was truly a Renaissance man. His paintings are very original and have a special ethereal quality. He had a student in FDR's Cabinet. The book Leaves of Morya's Garden by Roerich was even on Elvis Presley's reading list. El Morya has written and dictated on almost every subject imaginable over the yearsalways with the goal of elevating mankind and bringing in a New Era. Here are his thoughts on how the Sun affects the etheric mental and emotional bodies of mankind:
Solar Flares and Sunspots
"The much-discussed sunspots intensify chemical influences. People keep repeating about unrest in the world during periods of sunspots, and even those with little knowledge can draw correct conclusions. But if we call to mind the harmful chemical reactions, it is not difficult to understand the saturation of space by the most active compounds, such as oxides and metalloids. How can one lightmindedly deny the evolutionary power of matter when from the Inexhaustible Reservoir rays of immeasurable intensity pour over our heads?" Agni Yoga (1929) #18.
"Those with especially sensitive organisms can testify that during the culminating period of the sunspots the rays of the luminary, because of their qualities, become unbearable for them. Also, during the passing of the great meteors, one may feel a quivering of the nervous system. Until now, people have been unable to recognize their place in this gigantic laboratory. That single recognition alone would arm the human organism, and, in place of worried observation of the tremors of the seismograph, would direct the search into the Limitless Heights - as material as tomorrow's repast, as majestic as the numberless stars." Agni Yoga (1929) #18.
"I am astonished at the old world; the appearance of sunspots intensifies the discord. The wings of the old world flutter their last, while the open centers revolt. For each advance of the centers a kind of epidermis is needed which grows painfully. Pure air cannot coexist with the lifeless azote of the old world." Agni Yoga (1929) #96.
"Among scientific discoveries, the statement that sunspots promote wars sounds strange. From the standpoint of scientific analysis would it not be better to say that sunspots engender human madness? Such a definition is far nearer the truth, for this chemism actually reacts upon the nervous system. In this let us not forget that such a chemical reaction is quite prolonged. It would be incautious to consider that a lessening of sunspots immediately does away with the chemism in space." Brotherhood (1937) #354.
"Is a deluge possible which can wash away entire regions? Can there be an earthquake which destroys whole countries? Can there be a whirlwind sweeping away cities? Can there be a fall of enormous meteors? All these are possible, and the swing of the pendulum can be increased. Does the quality of human thought have no significance? Thus let people reflect about the essence of things. It is very near to thought, and many thoughts are directed here from other worlds. Let us not blame sunspots alone." Brotherhood (1937) #250.
"Observe the indications of seismographic curves. The points are disposed not along the equator, nor along a meridian, but form their own curves. Sometimes an increased activity of quakes and shiftings coincides with the intensity of so-called sun-spots resulting from a tension of the solar system. One need not be a prophet to understand that brain action in these periods will flow in a specific way." New Era Community (1926) #161.
"Many suppose that scientific data will shield them against cosmic manifestations. They will tell you about their knowledge of eclipses, they know about the sun-spots, even about the appearance of comets, and newly discovered rays, but they cannot anticipate the appearance of meteors, which may be of gigantic dimensions. But if people know about the discoveries of huge fragments of spatial bodies, they can likewise imagine the possibility of devastating consequences from them, which should bring to mind the fiery bodies." Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) #170.
"Observe the indications of seismographic curves. The points are disposed not along the equator, nor along a meridian, but form their own curves. Sometimes an increased activity of quakes and shiftings coincides with the intensity of so-called sun-spots resulting from a tension of the solar system. One need not be a prophet to understand that brain action in these periods will flow in a specific way." New Era Community (1926) #161.
"The solar ray withers and destroys, but light restores. Needed is saturation but not a sharp blow. The builders should know how to saturate the atmosphere. The pledge of success lies in saturation of the atmosphere, which restores all that exists." New Era Community (1926) #215.
"The full moon usually is favorable for telepathy. But there are other factors that affect it too. Most important, it is influenced by certain phases of the sunspots. You may yourself have noticed that telepathic manifestations grow stronger with the increased chemical activity of the lunar and planetary rays, but sunspots also affect many other aspects of existence. Cold, which can reach disastrous extremes, the heat of volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes follow changes in the solar aura. One must keep this in mind, because the cold may increase and the earthquakes become more powerful. Thus, a transitory solar manifestation can be terminal on Earth." Agni Yoga (1929) #504.
"The function of the rays is contained in the blending of all energies with the Fire of Space. If one could resolve the Solar Ray into its electrons, it may be found to contain all elements that are in the cosmic, manifested, ray. The creativeness of the cosmic ray lies in the attraction and dissolution of energies. If the molecular particles could be extracted from the ray, their attraction could be utilized. Hence, one must adjust the forces of receptivity. Only striving from both ends will afford the necessary tension. Explosion occurs because of non-coordination of energies. All chaotic manifestations are only evidence of non-coordination. It may be said then that the tensive power of the cosmic ray is attracted toward Earth but meets with no responding vibration. Yet upon this foundation are all creative manifestations built. The affirmation of the cosmic ray intensifies all activity." Infinity - Book 1 (1930) #258.
"The centers are strained into opening under the creativeness of the solar rays. In this stage of the experiment the solar plexus corresponds in rotation with the sun; therefore, each rotation of the solar plexus establishes a link with the Cosmic Magnet. This is one of the important confirmations of the experiment of Agni Yogi; therefore, it is most essential to protect the solar plexus from tension after sunset." Infinity - Book 2 (1930) #300.
"The disturbance of climatic conditions is evident. But people superficially remark about sunspots or the shifting of Earth's axis. Such assertions are made by the most cowardly, but they do not even realize what they are saying. The wiping out of civilizations, the annihilation of life by which the planet was visited more than once met with precisely the same theorizing. Thus, also, people did not care to notice the signs of disarray, and continued superficially to argue about prolonging the sapped-out conditions of life. Now, also, among innumerable misconceptions people ask why in studying the highest knowledge the heightening of sensitiveness and peculiar pains become inevitable. If they were told that because of their heedlessness the chosen ones suffer, they would not believe it. They will not admit that in themselves they represent condensers and transmuters of energy. Thus, when numerous such apparatuses are damaged, the distribution of energy is disturbed and only a few sensitive hearts take on the pressure which should have been apportioned throughout the entire world. The solar natures take upon themselves the pressure of the fiery energy, and must be responsible for millions of drones." Heart (1932) #463.
"There are many convulsions in the planet. The volcanic belt is shifting considerably. If solar spots influence earthly matters, no less do poisonous gases of an earthly shock have an effect. People do not sufficiently observe the effect of earthquakes upon human consciousness. Not only is the consciousness atremor near the centers of earthquakes, but also in space this effect is irradiated as a strong poisoning. Only the ignorant can say - "what have I to do with the gases in Chile or in Siberia?" Ignoramuses do not wish to think on a world scale, but everyone who already thinks of the Fiery World understands the significance of subterranean gases and of rays from beyond." Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) #52.
"The light of the Subtle World has no relationship to the earthly understanding of solar light. In the lower strata, darkened consciousnesses create obscurity, but the higher the consciousness and thought, the more luminous is the miraculous radiance. Indeed, the dwellers of the Subtle World see both earth and the luminaries, but the earthly lights are transmuted by their consciousnesses differently. Likewise with the thoughts of the Subtle World; though they are based on the same energy, their process is original. The law of equilibrium normalizes mental excesses." AUM (1936) #146.
"Many people observe solar eclipses, but they allot no attention to the connection with psychic energy. You, however, have had opportunity to be convinced that psychic energy reacts singularly to a solar eclipse." AUM (1936) #366.
"One can enumerate the dangers created by man himself, which manifest especially when the cosmic currents are intensified. What We say now should also be applied in the coming years, because the sunspots and storms of space are fierce." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) #278.
"Urusvati is familiar with earthly suffocation. This is what We call the atmospheric condition produced by heavy spatial currents, which, intensified by subterranean fires and by human insanity, cause unbearable depression. We know such times! People may attribute these conditions to sunspots or to the passing of comets, but external events could hardly cause such unbearable tension. Even the subterranean fires themselves are not capable of penetrating the planet so completely without the cooperation of man." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) #95.
"The appearance of sun spots on Saturn only indicates cosmic ruptures, which are sending an unprecedented chemism to the Earth. There are many similar manifestations about which scholars even decide not to speak. The forces of space are restless; one need not think that a cataclysm will be just tomorrow, but one may realize that new chemisms are approaching the sick planet." Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 122.
"Many suppose that scientific data will shield them against cosmic manifestations. They will tell you about their knowledge of eclipses, they know about the sun-spots, even about the appearance of comets, and newly discovered rays, but they cannot anticipate the appearance of meteors, which may be of gigantic dimensions. But if people know about the discoveries of huge fragments of spatial bodies, they can likewise imagine the possibility of devastating consequences from them, which should bring to mind the fiery bodies." Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 170.
"Many times has the planet been threatened with danger from comets. But even in the tensity of the atmosphere people have not sensed anything unusual. There have been certain individuals who understood how tensed the atmosphere was, but the great majority completely failed to notice anything. It is possible to carry out a curious experiment, observing how much humanity responds to certain events. It should be noticed that even conspicuous world events often do not reach the consciousness. The reason is that people wish to see things in their own way and do not permit their consciousness to express itself justly. Such people are not suited for cooperation." Brotherhood (1937) - 124.
"When people see a comet they give thanks to the valiant one, eternally striving, and the thoughts of the people speed outward to give new strength to the rider of the monster. White, yellow, red, and black people direct their thoughts to him who long ago became fiery." New Era Community (1926) - 137.
"The purifying fires of the Universe penetrate all regions of the planet. The sparks of conflagration spread along all channels of karmic action. As volcanoes, these affirmed fires explode. The force of karma shifts and transfers power from hand to hand. The cosmic course is directed toward those purifying conflagrations; hence the comet, speeding through the Infinite. The tensity of the currents is very great and the effect corresponds to the fires of the planet. The centers of the Agni Yogi record all cosmic currents." Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 4.
"Urusvati is familiar with earthly suffocation. This is what We call the atmospheric condition produced by heavy spatial currents, which, intensified by subterranean fires and by human insanity, cause unbearable depression. We know such times! People may attribute these conditions to sunspots or to the passing of comets, but external events could hardly cause such unbearable tension. Even the subterranean fires themselves are not capable of penetrating the planet so completely without the cooperation of man." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 95.
"Urusvati knows that many small stings can be more dangerous than one strong bite. Considering the present state of the world, this truth should be recognized. People expect great events, at the very least a collision with a comet, yet do not notice the many small daily dangers. They must be reminded that they cause these dangers themselves by their constant quarrelling. This warning is not given in the name of a higher philosophy, but simply for the sake of physical safety!" Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 288.
"The Great Architect builds eternally. It is senseless to suppose that certain parts of the Universe are completed and remain static. A great deal is made of the term evolution , but people have absolutely no conception of this process in its actuality. There has been much argument about the social structure, but it always has been presumed that human society exists in something inflexible and finite. The stories of the Deluge and of the glacial period are regarded almost as merely symbolic. and it is not proper even to speak of Atlantis, despite the testimonies of the Greek writers. One can see how the human consciousness evades everything that threatens its established comfort. Likewise, the concept of evolution is turned into an abstraction, thus not disturbing the consciousness of the petrified heart in the least. But does not the heavenly vault evoke thoughts about eternal motion? Only through such evolutionary concepts can one absorb the beauty of the earthly pilgrimage as the sojourn for ascent. The very briefness of the path should not disturb one, on the contrary, it should give one joy, as does the rotation of the sun. It is urgently necessary to expound to what extent evolution is incessantly in the hands of the Great Architect of the Universe. One should feel that the planet is in space, just as seamen know that the vast ocean is beneath their ship. At first seamen were terrified by this suspension over an abyss, but reality and experience accustom them to this truth. Every inhabitant of the planet is on a similar ship - below him is the abyss. The seamen cannot depend entirely upon their ship and scientific calculations, if they could there would be no shipwrecks. Astronomy knows a few heavenly bodies, but it does not know the starting point of the comets, and it does not anticipate the gigantic meteors. Only upon their obvious appearance are people notified, The destruction of entire worlds is sometimes noticed, but more often it occurs without attracting any attention. Astronomy is a night watchman! But what about the events taking place by day? Thus, we observe only approximately half of that which is evident. How much that is unexpected is concealed from the sleeping heart!" Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 408.
Edgar Cayce on Sunspots
From: Saint Germain's Prophecy for the New Millenium, by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, with Patricia R. Spadaro and Murray L. Steinman
"Like other prophets, Cayce explained that prophecy is not set in stone. The changes we make in our own lives, he said, will have a great impact on what the world will look like in years to come. Some of Cayce's most insightful teaching on the human component of prophecy came in a reading about sunspots.
The periodic appearance of sunspots is one of the best known yet most mysterious of solar phenomena. An easily observed solar feature, they have been noted for centuries. Sunspots are actually magnetic disturbances on the sun's surface thought to be caused by magnetic effects in the sun's interior. They appear to be dark because they are several thousand degrees cooler than other parts of the sun's surface. They can last from a few hours to a few months.
The rise in the number of sunspots is accompanied by an increase in solar flares, explosions of hydrogen and helium above the sun's surface. Scientists know that solar flares can disrupt our telephone and radio communications, cause blackouts and power surges, and damage satellites.
Beyond that, many have associated increased solar activity with freak weather conditions, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, flu epidemics, crime waves, riots, battles, arson attacks, political and mental instability and economic depressions. Periods of intense solar activity occur in well-documented cycles that last an average of eleven years The sunspot cycle is now on the rise and scientists say it will likely peak in 2001. (They were off. It's peaking now in 2004. Looks like the cycles have changed. This may not bode well for those not spiritually attuned to the extraordianry cosmic cadences. Editor, Reverse Spins)
A Blot on the Sun
Cayce saw sun spots, as well as earth changes as a reflection of our own state of consciousness, a result of our own actions, the boomerang of divine law. His readings offer simple metaphors to describe that eternal truth.
When asked about how sunspots affect the inhabitants of the earth, he said that the question should be reversed. Sunspots, he claimed, are reflection of the "turmoils and strifes" that we our selves have created, and our own mind is "the builder." He asked us to think about what we have built:
As what does thy soul appear? A spot, a blot up the sun? Or as that which giveth light unto those who sit in darkness, to those who cry aloud for hope?13
Cayce said that the responsibility for earth changes lies squarely on our shoulders, and how we conduct our relationships with others has everything to do with the changing face of the earth:
Tendencies in the hearts and souls of men are such that these [earth changes] may be brought about....
As ye do it unto thy fellow man, ye do it unto thy God, to thyself.14
A bit like Hamlet, who lamented that "the time is out of joint," Cayce talked about earth changes as "readjustments"adjustments that have to be made because something is out of alignment. Yet Cayce believed that just as we create chaotic conditions by our own out of alignment behavior, so we can create positive transformation by our loving attitudes and actions.
"In the final sequence of his life," writes author Jess Stearn in his book Edgar Cayce on the Millenium, "the great prophet saw the relationship of man to his Creator as more tangible and consequential than any El Nino or eruption of the earth."15 Cayce said that we are not ruled by the world, our environment or even "planetary influences," but by our own free will. When we disregard divine law, we ring "chaos and destructive forces" into our life; when we are in harmony with the divine, we create order out of chaos."16"
13. Edgar Cayce, Reading #5757-1
14. Hugh Lynn Cayce, Earth Changes Update, pp. 106, 105.
15. Jess Stearn, Edgar Cayce on the Millennium (New York; Warner Books, 1998), p. 192
16. Edgar Cayce, quoted in Hugh Lyn Cayce, Earth Changes Update, p. 106.The Impact of Comets
From: Prophecy for the 1990s III" Part 6 based on a lecture given by Elizabeth Clare Prophet May 22, 1989, Chicago, Illinois, updated for publication in the 1990 Pearls of Wisdom.
Solar flares are not the only cosmic events believed to cause disease. Comets may also play a part. Although Halley's comet came and went in 1986 with no perceivable effects, since ancient times comets have been thought to be harbingers of events-usually the death of kings, wars, famines, plagues and other disasters.
In modern times, Fred Hoyle, an astrophysicist, and Chandra Wickramasinghe, an astronomer, have argued that all infectious diseasesfrom plagues to the common coldwere originally brought from deep space by comets and transferred to earth by micrometeorites.
They believe that a comet was responsible for the influenza epidemic of 1918 to 1919, which killed 30 million people. Although the scientific community almost uniformly disagrees with this assertion, science writer Robert Kunzig points out that "there is probably more support now than ever before for the idea that the organic precursors of life-not life itself but its building blocks, or maybe the building blocks of the building blocks-could have been brought to Earth by comets early in the planet's history." (Robert Kunzig, "Stardust Memories: Kiss of Life," Discover, March 1988, p. 68.)
Scientists have discovered amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, both in interstellar space and in meteorites. Kunzig points out that scientists now agree that "comets contain supertanker-loads of organic material and that at least some of that material was probably produced in interstellar space." ibid.
Astronomers are continually discovering new comets. And according to Science News, "Swarms of tiny comets are hurtling through the solar system and bombarding earth at the incredible rate of 10 million comets per year." ("Comet Controversy Caught on Fire," Science News, 28 May 1988, p. 340.)
If comets are indeed carriers of bacteria and viruses to the earth and have been responsible for outbreaks of disease, then the degradation of the human immune system in the coming years may be more serious than anyone imagines.
Not all comets may be harbingers of evil, however. On June 30, 1973, the Elohim Purity, speaking of the comet Kohoutek, said:
"And so I am come, and so I have made to you the announcement of this century for the Elohim of the Fourth Ray-the release of purity this day. It is an awesome and...auspicious event in the halls of the Great Central Sun, and mighty Messengers of Light go forth bearing purity. And the mighty comet that shall appear in the heavens ere six months shall pass is a manifestation of the Messengers of cosmic purity that come forth periodically from the Heart of Alpha and Omega as emissaries of Light to greet those twin flames who hold the focus of Light on behalf of evolutions." (Purity, June 30, 1973, 1973 PoW, Book I, p. 190.)On October 14, 1973, the Ascended Master Lord Maitreya also referred to Kohoutek:
"Opportunity is given for you to elect to present yourselves a living sacrifice unto the Lord God Almighty. And to you I make known this hour that the comet of the century comes to foretell the birth of many Christed ones, many souls who are to descend within the coming twelvemonth. And thus, because preparations must be made, we shall not tarry in our announcement of this dispensation. For those who would apply and receive the seal of our approval and our blessing must do so speedily, that time and space might provide the cradle and the crucible for incoming souls." (Lord Maitreya, October 14, 1973, 1984 PoW, Book II, p. 372.)
Other pages of similar interest at Reverse Spins:
Sunspots and Solar Flares: Decoding the Message from the Sun
These books are available as free downloads in three formats at the publisher. They are worth buying in book form however, because they are little treasures.
from: Agni Yoga Society
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